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13. – 17. APRIL 2020
13. – 17. APRIL 2020
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My dream as a Dentist was to reconstruct the alveolar ridge bone defects predictable, fast and safe without the use of biomaterials and membrans.
15 years ago during a german implant congress I saw a speaker who presented his results with autogenous bone grafts and shared his long-term results. It was amazing!
I thought how brilliant Prof. F. Khoury grafted horizontal and big vertical defects with bone blocks from retromolar. In this moment I decided that I have to learn this concept and implement it in my daily implantology work.
For me, a dream has come true: He was my mentor for four years in the time between 2006 and 2010.
I learned this Biological Bone Augmentation Concept in a very intense way and every minute during the countless surgeries with him were immensely valuable to me.
Today, ten years after postgraduation, I still benefit from this great time. I get the same succes rates over and over.
I see how it helps me to reconstruct the bone and soft tissue predictable, fast and safe for my implant therapy.
For years I train international and talented collegues in this concept to become Biological Bone Masters.
NOW it’s time to GO ONLINE with our MASTERCLASS!
15 years ago during a german implant congress I saw a speaker who presented his results with autogenous bone grafts and shared his long-term results. It was amazing!
I thought how brilliant Prof. F. Khoury grafted horizontal and big vertical defects with bone blocks from retromolar. In this moment I decided that I have to learn this concept and implement it in my daily implantology work.
For me, a dream has come true: He was my mentor for four years in the time between 2006 and 2010.
I learned this Biological Bone Augmentation Concept in a very intense way and every minute during the countless surgeries with him were immensely valuable to me.
Today, ten years after postgraduation, I still benefit from this great time. I get the same succes rates over and over.
I see how it helps me to reconstruct the bone and soft tissue predictable, fast and safe for my implant therapy.
For years I train international and talented collegues in this concept to become Biological Bone Masters.
NOW it’s time to GO ONLINE with our MASTERCLASS!